ADHD in Relationships

Dear Couples, Many of you may have heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), or maybe one of your children may have it, or someone else you know, or your partner may have it, or indeed wonder if they have it. I am definitely not someone who likes to put labels on people, especially if …

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Your Differences are Rich

Hello lovely people, This is a subject that often comes up when we forget that a couple is made up of two individuals AND WE ARE NOT THE SAME!! That’s right. We are different in our passions, our interests in general and how we like to spend our time. This fact can be the source …

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Conscious Touch – Encounter No. 3

Hello and Welcome to Encounter No. 3 – Conscious Touch This one is easy to describe as it’s a natural follow on when you are feeling emotionally close, warm and connected. It’s about taking the time to honour touch as something special: a giving and receiving. Of course, touch is already in your lives, hopefully …

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Did You Know You Have a Relational Space?

I find it rather an exciting concept that each relationship has it’s own unique and special Relational Space, the quality of which is dependent on how both partners look after it. We’ve probably all heard that phrase “Relationships Need Work”. Well, I personally prefer to think of the entity that is my Relational Spacebelonging to both of us …

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