Are you mostly connected or disconnected?

The current pandemic has put a lot of pressure on partner relationships. In lockdown, relationships can be more intense, with more frustrations and arguments. Or they can be rather unaware and shallow if you are avoiding one another, or avoiding difficult issues. So, I thought it would be useful to flag some of the ways …

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A Free Opportunity for Relationship Support

It looks like we have at least another four weeks of lockdown coming up. Did we ever imagine that something like this could happen?! And yet, here we are… in it! Many of us with our partners, in closer proximity than we may want them to be. So… I don’t want you to miss my …

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Communicate for Loving Connection

The day of putting LOVE first is almost here! Living your life with an awareness of love is not a nebulous thing, today, tomorrow or any day. Love is about staying in connection through words, sharing your emotions and physical touch. That all equals intimacy. Staying in connection creates intimacy. Intimacy is LOVE. You can …

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What Shape is your Relationship?

That’s a strange question, I know. It’s based on my idea that it’s often helpful to give things a shape, for example, shaping the time you spend together. Especially if you feel you don’t intentionally get together much as a couple, I suggest shaping it a bit, keeping it simple, with things like: let’s meet …

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The Festive Intimacy Curve 2019

If ever there was a time of year when being extra loving, warm, huggy and staying in touch with one another, needs to be top of the friends, couples and family agenda… this is IT! In the run up to the festive season, we can easily lose the plot of staying connected and intimate with …

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Look, See, Connect: A Couple’s Story

This story is about a real couple and illustrates something that comes up quite frequently in my session room. These are the kinds of phrases I often hear: “She doesn’t really get me or what’s going on for me.” “He’s always immersed in his own stuff… I feel second best.” “I don’t actually feel seen …

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Bits and Bobs (especially the Bobs!)

Here I am again, having moved a few weeks ago and what a time-consuming thing that is. I haven’t forgotten you, but have been absorbed with juggling storage, painting walls, creating a counselling room and lots more. Phew! At last a little breathing space. I hope you’ve had a good summer, ideally with time to …

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Sunday Times article – A real couple tell it how it is

Dear couples, Here we have a very brave real live couple Robyn and Stuart, who have recently revealed all in the Sunday Times Style magazine, about their three couple sessions with me. They are an extraordinary couple, both writers and journalists, working from home, with two boys under five! And, as if that’s not enough …

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How to keep your couple-ness when you’ve had children

Is this happening to you two? Have you got so used to being a family, which, of course, is wonderful and rewarding but could also mean that you forget what it’s like to be just the two of you?  Remember….once you were a couple?! You had lots of time together for dates and yummy cuddles …

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What is a couples intensive?

Many couples have discovered that when they are feeling disconnected and their relationship is struggling, it doesn’t help matters when life is busy and therapy sessions have to be fitted in within limited times. It can be challenging to re-build the solid foundation needed. A kick-start may be called for! A Couples Bespoke Intensive is …

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