Some couples have discovered that their relationship is struggling and they want to change things but life is too busy. If this feels like your relationship, diving deeply and lovingly into your needs may be just the tonic!
A bespoke intensive is the perfect solution (plus it’s much easier to get childcare for one evening than many sessions).
You will spend quality time together in your relationship, embarking on a very special piece of work together.
You will practise alternative approaches to the things that get in the way. Learn how to be heard, solve conflicts and create space for one another. Making your precious time together more loving and intimate. Bringing you gently back to how you used to be.
Call: 07947 581765 Or Email:

.. how quickly and deeply my relationship with my husband improved..
Participant (Intensive Weekend)
The intensive weekend with Priya was brilliant - it amazed me how much and how quickly and deeply my relationship with my husband improved during the workshop thanks to her insight and the powerful practical exercises she uses. We’re still feeling happier a month later and hoping to see Priya regularly to keep working on what we have started.

Intensives are perfect...
If you don't want the 'stop/start' feeling of regular sessions.
If you or your partner has ADHD and regular sessions would feel too pressured.
If you want to get to the bottom of things that may cause rifts and work things out sooner rather than later.
If you live too far away to travel regularly but would prefer not to do things online.
If you find regular childcare difficult but can manage one night.
If you need space together that you cannot find at home
(You can read about one couple’s experience of an Intensive with me in Psychologies Magazine).
When to seek help for your relationship.
You still love each other and want it to last but...
- When things feel like they are going around in circles, the same arguments, the same issues, nothing changes.
- Phrases are used (or silently thought) such as: “He always says that”, “she always does this”...
- Things feel one-sided.
- Intimacy is nonexistent.
- Resentment has set in. Resentment is toxic and needs addressing urgently.
The point is, there are two people in every relationship. You are in a relational space together. If one of you is struggling, that’s enough of a reason to seek support. It doesn’t mean that everything is falling apart, but getting support sooner is better than later. Especially if you want to look at what is happening, learn from it, improve communications skills and re-ignite your intimacy.
There may be all different reasons why someone will feel disconnected. But if you need help, you need help. There's no shame in that, it happens to lots and lots of couples.

Bespoke Intensive Weekdays are £580. Weekends, £620
(local accommodation can be recommended for you both).
Couples Bespoke Intensives can take place on weekdays or weekends and generally consist of an evening of 2.5 hours (7.00-9.30pm) and the following day of 6 hours (9.30am to 4.30pm) with an hour for lunch in the middle.
This plan is flexible and can be adjusted according to your specific needs and geographical distance away etc.

The entire experience was wholly positive, and we felt lucky to have spent time with someone so empathetic, warm, and wise.
We arranged to see Priya in a Couple's Intensive Session because we felt we needed help to address quite a subtle, yet fundamental issue in our relationship - a loss of intimacy (but not loss of love or friendship).
We had met Priya a few weeks earlier to establish context to our relationship,and explore our earlier lives without ever becoming bogged down in what could easily be endless backstory. After the initial meeting, Priya advised us to return for a more intensive session that took place over an evening and a day. We felt we were in very good hands and decided to take this advice.
Priya was very calm, caring, focused, professional, and extremely insightful. Instead of imposing “theory” on us, she used her insights to gently challenge us to understand what might be at the root of our problem - both individually and as a couple. We undertook some exercises to re-kindle intimacy, but these were never embarrassing or difficult - they simply served to remind us of what we used to be like with each other, and wished to be like once again. The other quality we greatly appreciated in Priya as a therapist is that she remained intensely focused in trying to help us make concrete, practical changes to our lives that would restore the intimacy we had lost. At no point did she speak for the sake of talking.
We came away from the session feeling more self-aware and very enthusiastic about the changes we could make. The entire experience was wholly positive, and we felt lucky to have spent time with someone so empathetic, warm, and wise.
Teresa & Simon, Participants

"I'm Priya and I have been supporting couples to renew their love for each other for years.
When a couple comes to me for an intensive, I always say to them how lovely it is that they are coming together to honour their relationship in this moment, they are saying ‘let’s look after it’ and that’s really good.
Intensives are very moving, very emotional, and sometimes we also get to laugh our heads off at things!
All of this is offered in a style that is totally personal to your needs both as individuals and a couple. It fully respects your comfort level , pacing and boundaries. No sexual activity takes place in the therapy environment.
Afterwards couples are often feeling great and buoyed up. I then tell them they must go home and live this! So I send them an email of key points from the weekend to help them continue to rekindle their connection at home."

To book or find out more, give me a call or drop me a text on
07947 581 765
or email me
I look forward to hearing from you
Please note.
Intensives are NOT suitable for a couple that are on the verge of relationship collapse.
If couples are in dire trouble, then it may not be suitable for them (except ADHD as I tend to specialise in these types of relationship). Please do ring and we can discuss suitability.
Or it may be that one of you has severe mental health issues that are deeply affecting the relationship in an unbalanced way. If this is the case it would not be appropriate to book an intensive. These issues will require much more time.

Lynn and Saul are a couple who love one another and are great friends...but they have lost their passion for one another, and their sexual life has all but stopped. They both very much wanted to re-ignite this missing piece for them as a couple and just couldn't find a way.
At the end of their intensive they felt very, very different (btw, no sexual activity takes place during the sessions.)
These are their own words to me following their 8-hour Intensive in which all three of us were deeply immersed. It had emotions, depth, fun, insights, learnings....all that they needed to get them back onto a physical and emotionally loving track as a couple.
Priya was empathic, encouraging, patient, gentle, good-humoured, practical, realistic and flexible.
She provided a very safe space in which we felt held and able to say how we really feel.
When we felt stuck it was OK as we could connect with Priya and find a way through.
She was hopeful for our future all the way along.
We felt more and more reconnected with each other as we went through the journey together. We know we have definitely found each other again!
We went away feeling deeply happy.
Lynn and saul