The Festive Intimacy Curve 2020

If ever there was a time of year when being loving, warm and huggy needs to be top of your relationship agenda… this is IT! My Festive Intimacy Curve gives you some reminders to help you maintain the yummiest relationship possible with your special partner.

Are you a team of two?

Even though many couples in lockdown are actually spending more time together than ever, many tell me they are feeling very separate from one another and definitely not feeling like a loving team of two. What happened to the coupleness part? Where did it go?

Acceptance in love and sex

Acceptance of your partner, and acceptance of your sexual connection, can bring more closeness and loving into your relationship. The key is recognising what truly cannot, or is unlikely to change in your partner, and finding inner acceptance with that.

Are you mostly connected or disconnected?

The current pandemic has put a lot of pressure on partner relationships. In lockdown, relationships can be more intense, with more frustrations and arguments. Or they can be rather unaware and shallow if you are avoiding one another, or avoiding difficult issues. So, I thought it would be useful to flag some of the ways …

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Communicate for Loving Connection

The day of putting LOVE first is almost here! Living your life with an awareness of love is not a nebulous thing, today, tomorrow or any day. Love is about staying in connection through words, sharing your emotions and physical touch. That all equals intimacy. Staying in connection creates intimacy. Intimacy is LOVE. You can …

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What Shape is your Relationship?

That’s a strange question, I know. It’s based on my idea that it’s often helpful to give things a shape, for example, shaping the time you spend together. Especially if you feel you don’t intentionally get together much as a couple, I suggest shaping it a bit, keeping it simple, with things like: let’s meet …

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The Festive Intimacy Curve 2019

If ever there was a time of year when being extra loving, warm, huggy and staying in touch with one another, needs to be top of the friends, couples and family agenda… this is IT! In the run up to the festive season, we can easily lose the plot of staying connected and intimate with …

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Look, See, Connect: A Couple’s Story

This story is about a real couple and illustrates something that comes up quite frequently in my session room. These are the kinds of phrases I often hear: “She doesn’t really get me or what’s going on for me.” “He’s always immersed in his own stuff… I feel second best.” “I don’t actually feel seen …

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What Sex Needs!

Spring is in the air and many couples have been talking to me about sex in their relationship or the lack of it. As many of you know, one of my themes is about sex being “the icing on the cake” in a loving, intimate relationship. In fact, sex can even be enhanced by NOT being the thing to …

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Is It Time To Reignite Your Love For One Another?

Recently, Bob and I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of dear friends of ours. They have been together nine years and it felt so special that they had reached a place of honouring their relationship with a wonderful creative ceremony, expressing their love and commitment to one another. Marriage isn’t for everyone of course …

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