Festive Intimacy Curve

Are you lovers? The Festive Intimacy Curve …2024!

Hello, I’m pretty shocked to see that my last update went out a year ago!!  What can I say? I’m always wanting to send them and then life with clients’ sessions and a hubby with ADHD takes me over. I’m so hoping to be more in touch with you lovely people next year. If  we’re healthy …

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Do All Of These And You’ll Be Just Fine!!

I have to confess, it’s been a long time since I got into writing mode. Since the summer, my client numbers have ramped up considerably, especially more and more couples (and individuals, of course) coping with neuro-diversity, my speciality being ADHD. A person with ADHD finds life extremely challenging. Being the partner of a person …

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Are You Friends Or Lovers!? Read To The End For A Joke….

I guess ideally, you would like to be both friends and lovers! That would indeed be wonderful, however, so many clients come to me and say “We are great friends and we have the same values. We do love each other, but we’re not in love anymore and we have almost no intimacy or sex. …

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The Festive Intimacy Curve …2022!

Here we are again, nearly at Christmas.🎄🎄🎄 or Chanukah 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 or whatever style of celebration you choose. A time of year when we have the aim of having fun and often being with family and friends, some we may not have seen since last year. And….it can be a tetchy time, with all the busyness …

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Get Your Relationship on the Front Burner!

Support your relationship’s future, especially when things are not ‘horribly wrong’

Get Your Relationship on the Front Burner! What I realise about many couples, who come to see me, is that, although their relationship may be going pretty well, they recognise that there are aspects that really need enhancing.  Alicia and Jeremy are one such couple in their early 30s. They are in a pretty good …

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Don’t Leave Your Relationship To Chance. You Can Have Better, And You Deserve It. Here’s how…

It’s been a beautiful summer around these parts (Folkestone, Kent) and I hope the same for you, wherever you are situated. And it’s got pretty chilly, all of a sudden. So, it’s just the right time to get more cosy and intimate together as the Autumn leaves start to fall….isn’t there a song in there …

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It may sound a little odd or surprising perhaps to not focus on sex if you want more sex, but read on….

It may sound a little odd or surprising perhaps to not focus on sex if you want more sex, but read on….

It’s good to be back with you again. I’m back in a different kind of way though. I want to tell you more stories about the couples I see and to inspire you with what they’re learning and bringing into their lives together. They are definitely turning relationship difficulties around. It never ceases to amaze …

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Are you connected to one another?

There is nothing more important for the two of you than connection. It’s the vital ingredient that holds you in love and togetherness, even when the going gets tough.

How well is your relationship coming out of lockdown?

I’m wondering how you are all doing in your partner relationships, as we transition towards having a real outside life again. How will our relationships manage the transition?

Valentine’s and Lockdown… do they get on?

You’ve been in each other’s pockets for a year now and Valentine’s is winging its way to you! This is still a most challenging year and it’s impossible not to have your primary relationship affected in some way for better or worse; that’s for sure. Whatever is going on for you both, I want to offer you this small but significant heart-opener that has the potential to change your relationship massively.