Festive Intimacy Curve

Are you lovers? The Festive Intimacy Curve …2024!

Hello, I’m pretty shocked to see that my last update went out a year ago!!  What can I say? I’m always wanting to send them and then life with clients’ sessions and a hubby with ADHD takes me over. I’m so hoping to be more in touch with you lovely people next year. If  we’re healthy …

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Do All Of These And You’ll Be Just Fine!!

I have to confess, it’s been a long time since I got into writing mode. Since the summer, my client numbers have ramped up considerably, especially more and more couples (and individuals, of course) coping with neuro-diversity, my speciality being ADHD. A person with ADHD finds life extremely challenging. Being the partner of a person …

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Sunday Times article – A real couple tell it how it is

Dear couples, Here we have a very brave real live couple Robyn and Stuart, who have recently revealed all in the Sunday Times Style magazine, about their three couple sessions with me. They are an extraordinary couple, both writers and journalists, working from home, with two boys under five! And, as if that’s not enough …

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ADHD in Relationships

Dear Couples, Many of you may have heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), or maybe one of your children may have it, or someone else you know, or your partner may have it, or indeed wonder if they have it. I am definitely not someone who likes to put labels on people, especially if …

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