Valentine’s and Lockdown… do they get on?

You’ve been in each other’s pockets for a year now and Valentine’s is winging its way to you!

It could be that this Lockdown has done your relationship the world of good and you feel closer and more loving. I have met some couples who are experiencing this. The lack of outside busyness and distractions has brought them more space to focus on one another and they are hugely gaining from this in their emotional and physical intimacy.

You may be reading this and thinking… that’s definitely not us! We are struggling with these lockdowns at every turn. All the restrictions and having to be at home much more has triggered our worst issues with one another. It’s made everything so much harder.

This is still a most challenging year and it’s impossible not to have your primary relationship affected in some way for better or worse; that’s for sure.

So, how is this outside event called Valentine’s going to land with you two?

Will you prefer to ignore it as you’re together so much anyway and it’s too confronting this year. Or will you be delighted for another excuse to show even more love and attention to your beloved?

And might you remember Valentine’s is also for every individual so you could give yourself some special pleasurable treats as well. Why not love you as much as you can; you deserve it! Plus two people, each loved by themselves, can definitely help you open up to loving one another that bit more!

Whatever is going on for you both, I want to offer you this small but significant heart-opener that has the potential to change your relationship massively.

Here it is…

Simply pause, slow everything down and look at one another deeply and consciously. (That could bring on the giggles because you don’t do it very often.) That’s no problem but do keep looking at this partner of yours and take some really deep breaths into your belly. Stay with one another and with yourself and keep breathing and looking and breathing and looking. After a couple of minutes, or longer if you like, each tell one another a few things you love about your partner. Take it in turns to say “What I love about you is…”

Simply stopping, looking and breathing can be a huge connecting thing for a couple to do. It helps you come out of your heads and into your hearts, which is the best place to be for loving one another.

If you find this offering helpful, and connecting, there is something else you may find even more helpful in enhancing your closeness.

It’s called:

Re-ignite Your Love: A 6-week Audio Course for you as a couple to do at home.

It’s warming and intimate and can truly light you both up! This was the feedback I got from a couple who did it recently. They were asked to rate certain aspects of their progress. The 1-5 scale is underneath.

  • you use the various techniques yourselves regularly – 4
  • you feel more in touch with feelings of acceptance and admiration for one another – 4
  • you feel more in love and warmer to one another – 4
  • you find breathing together a good way to relax, feel close and sensual – 4
  • you have more physical contact than you used to have – 3
  • you feel a sense of sacredness or specialness when you take time for each other – 4

The Rating Scale

  1. uncomfortable and difficult
  2. unfamiliar but nice and quite enjoyable
  3. flowing and lovely to do together
  4. it’s definitely enhancing our love
  5. blissful!

I am offering YOU this course at the reduced rate of £60 (usually £75). Just use the code LOVE21 when booking to get this special price.


So, at this time, I’m wishing you closeness and a Happy Valentine’s.

Priya 💞

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