The Festive Intimacy Curve 2020

If ever there was a time of year when being loving, warm and huggy needs to be top of your relationship agenda… this is IT!

And especially THIS year, when we are so restricted in how tactile we can be with our family and friends. It’s soooo very hard for many of us.

It’s so vital to stay in touch with expressions of intimacy through little gestures of love in words and actions. It’s essential to feel you are part of a team of two, especially when the going is tough.

My Festive Intimacy Curve gives you some reminders to help you maintain the yummiest relationship possible with your special partner.

It highlights the small and larger ways you can travel together up the curve, creating physical and emotional closeness, day by day, ongoingly. Of course you may not get to the top of the curve every day! As long as you feel closely connected with the help of these hints and your own ideas too.

Intimacy is a wonderful journey in itself and sex can be the extra delightful icing on the cake!

And… it’s not just for Christmas but all year through!

If you need a supportive, caring, down to earth approach to improving your intimacy as a couple. I am your person!

I’m seeing clients from Jan 4th, online for now.

I wish you a Happy Holiday time, making the best of this strange situation.

With love as always to your special relationship


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